Dragi učenci in študentje, spoštovani ljubitelji glasbe!
Glasbena matica v Furlaniji Julijski krajini že vrsto let prireja mednarodni Festival Kras z namenom, da omogoča izobraževanje mladih in nadarjenih glasbenikov, ki na ta način lahko pridobijo pomembne izkušnje na profesionalnem in individualnem nivoju, in da bogati tukajšnji kulturni prostor z odmevnimi pobudami. Letošnji Festival bo potekal od 17. junija do 14. julija v Trstu, Repentabru, Devinu, Gorici, Sovodnjah in Špetru in bo vseboval koncerte mednarodno priznanih glasbenikov, delavnice in mojstrske tečaje za kitaro, harfo, tolkala, klavir, harmoniko in godala. Na programu je predviden tudi ogled Vurnikove kapele na tržaški škofiji.
Vsem želim čim več glasbenih užitkov in da bi se čim boljše počutili v naši sredi!
Ravnatelj Glasbene matice
prof. Bogdan Kralj
Dear pupils, students and music lovers!
The musical institute Glasbena Matica has since many years hosted the international Festival Kras, which two main goals are to provide young and talented musicians with valuable education and precious experiences at both professional and personal level, and -at the same time- to enrich the local area with its high-profile cultural initiatives.
This year the Festival will take place in several places in the country (Trieste, Repentabor , Duino, Gorizia, Savogna, S. Pietro al Natisone) from 17. June to 14. July, and will offer various cultural events such as concerts with internationally renowned artists, workshops and masterclasses for guitar, harp, percussion, piano, accordion and strings. A visit of the beautiful Vurnik chapel in the Bishop’s palace of Trieste is also planned.
I wish lots of pleasant experiences to all of you, and I hope you will have a really good time among us!
Director of Glasbena matica
prof. Bogdan Kralj